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Dynamic Form Field Capture

This code will caputre all fields in an HTML form and create a template for a VBScript function that passes the fields to a stored procedure.

Original Author: Scott King


To use this file: Set the action on your form to point to this file.
You will then get a formatted list to process your form in VBScript and
a matching SQL Stored Procedure field list. Ex: action="get_fields.asp" target=_blank

Warning: You should have your form fields named the same as your database
fields or this script won't really work for you... Have Fun!



Dynamic Form Field Creation
To use this file: Set the action on your form to point to this file.
You will then get a formatted list to process your form in VBScript and
a matching SQL Stored Procedure field list. Ex: action="get_fields.asp" target=_blank

Warning: You should have your form fields named the same as your database
fields or this script won't really work for you... Have Fun!

VBScript Form Fields.....

SQL Stored Procedure Fields.....

SQL Stored Procedure Update Fields.....

About this post

Posted: 2002-06-01
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 127 times




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