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GBIC: Conditional flow

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

The following is reprinted for archival purposes from Gary Beene's Information Center, with permission from Mr. Beene himself.

'VB offers 6 basic methods of flow control

1. For ... Next
2. If ... Then
3. Select Case ... End Select
4. While ... Wend
5. Do ... Loop
6. Goto

'For ... Next =================================
For i = 1 To j Step k
Next i

For i = 1 To 10
Print i
Next i

'If ... Then =================================
If (expression) Then
ElseIf (expression)
End If

If j > 6 Then
Print "big"
ElseIf i <> 32
Print "hello"
Print "none of the above
End If

'Select Case ... End Select =================================
Select Case (expression)
Case (variable list)
Case (variable list)
Case Else
End Select

'While ... Wend =================================
While (expression)

'Do ... Loop =================================
Do While | Until (expression)
Loop While | Until (expression)

For Each (variable) In (Collection)

Do While j < 10
j = j + 1
Print J

j = j + 1
Print J
Loop Until j = 25

'GoTo =================================
Goto Line

Goto Start 'skips the next two lines
j = j + 1
Print j
Print j

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Posted: 2021-02-11
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 148 times


Visual Basic 6


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