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GBIC: Files

Visual Basic 6, or VB Classic

The following is reprinted for archival purposes from Gary Beene's Information Center, with permission from Mr. Beene himself.

'Files ===========================
'VB can access files as text or as binary data
' generally text files are separated into lines - string data followed by a pair of LF+CR characters
' binary files have no such LF+CR separator

'basic functions
Name rename a file
Kill delete a file
FileCopy copy a file To a New location
FileLen Get length of a file In bytes
FileDateTime Get Date / Time file was last modified
GetAttr Get Readonly / system / hidden / directory / archive Attribute of a file Or folder
SetAttr Sets Readonly / system / hidden / archive Attribute of a file Or folder

'Open - most important VB function for reading and writing files
' files can be opened in 4 modes - append, binary, input, output, random

'Input - error if file does not exist
Open "myfile.txt" For Input As #1
Line Input #1, temp 'read a line of text at a time
Input #1, a,b,c 'reads list of variables
Close #1

'Example of reading text file from start to end
Open "myfile.txt" For Inpu As #1
While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, temp

'output - creates file if it does not exist. erases the file before creating it.
Open "myfile.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, "information" 'prints data into file. auto-inserts LF+CR
Write #1, "dog" , "cat" 'prints data into file. quotes around strings, commas between items. auto-inserts LF+CR
Close #1

'binary -
Open "myfile.txt" For Binary As #1
Get #1, 32, i
Close #1

'append - text mode. write only. writing starts at end of file
Open "myfile.txt" For Append As #1
Put #1, 128, j
Close #1

'random - reads fixed lenght data, but may be text or binary
Open "myfile.txt" For Append As #1
Get #1, 32, MyUDT 'reads the 32nd fixed-length record
Close #1

'basic functions
ChDir Change directory
MkDir Make directory
RmDir Remove directory
ChDrive Change drive
CurDir Return current directory

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Posted: 2021-02-11
By: ArchiveBot
Viewed: 471 times


Visual Basic 6


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