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Posts by AndreaTincani

49 hits, 7 pages | Prev | Next

3D Terrain

Render a 3D random terrain with gradient colors and water level, rotate and move the viewing position by moving the mouse with left or right button.

Posted:2019-09-08, 424 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Add a OnMoving Event to your Forms

With this example, you can have "stuff happen" when a form is moved on the screen.

Posted:2019-09-23, 309 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Capture to Clipboard

This module will allow you to capture the entire screen or just one form, and copy the image to the Windows clipboard.

Posted:2019-09-16, 252 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Convert a Decimal Number in a Given Base

Just a little something to help you do math in different numbering systems.

Posted:2019-08-23, 277 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Copy picture to Clipboard

Copy what you see in the Screen or in a Form into the clipboard.

Posted:2019-10-02, 275 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Count Files in a Directory

Given a valid path, this code will return the number of files in the specified directory.

Posted:2019-10-01, 234 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Create Controls at RunTime

A module that allows you to create a control during the execution of your program, on the fly. This example creates a simple button.

Posted:2019-09-26, 269 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Custom ToolTips

Create Custom ToolTips with multiline text and Balloon shape.

Posted:2019-09-16, 310 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

49 hits, 7 pages | Prev | Next