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Posts by AndreaTincani

49 hits, 7 pages | Prev | Next

Desktop Color Settings

Use this code to read or set the current desktop color settings.

Posted:2019-10-02, 235 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Determine Disk Type

Given a drive letter, returns the type of disk present, if connected.

Posted:2019-09-29, 237 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Enumerate Domain or Local Users

Just like the title says, this will enumerate a list of users either on the local machine or one a Windows domain.

Posted:2019-10-02, 268 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Enumerate Ports

Using the EnumPorts API, you can list the ports on a local or remote PC with this code.

Posted:2019-09-27, 283 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Enumerate Services to Collection

Here is a class and module that enumerates the services on a Windows computer. It gets each service and puts its info into a public collection which can be used anywhere in the program.

Posted:2019-08-22, 249 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Faded Background with API

Posted:2019-09-19, 195 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Find the COM ports

Using API from Kernel32, this code will show you information about the serial or COM ports on the local computer.

Posted:2019-09-27, 266 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Folder Exists / Folder Empty

Two functions to check if a folder exists and another to check if a folder is empty

Posted:2019-09-06, 275 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

49 hits, 7 pages | Prev | Next