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Active Directory FSMO Roles
FSMO (Flexible Single Master Operations) roles, sometimes referred to as operations master roles, are a set of specific roles within an Active Directory environment.
Posted:2008-05-19, 2724 views

File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV.EXE)
The File Checksum Integrity Verifier (FCIV.
Posted:2008-05-22, 8653 views

Faster Application Loading
For faster application loading you can change the prefetch parameters value.
Posted:2008-07-13, 1962 views

Boot File Optimization
This hack will enable the de-fragmentation of boot files, which may result in reducing the boot time.
Posted:2008-07-13, 2097 views

Unload unused DLLs
This hack will enable the automatic unloading of program associated DLLs from memory when a program ends.
Posted:2008-07-13, 1934 views

Configure system cache for server or workstation
If you are using your system as a server then file caching is good.
Posted:2008-07-13, 1852 views

Open No-Extension Files with Notepad by Default
There are files out there, on your hard drive, that don''t have extensions.
Posted:2008-09-01, 3164 views

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