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Motel One Faces Ransomware Attack: Customer Data Compromised

Motel One Group, a renowned budget hotel chain, confirmed on Monday a recent ransomware assault on its systems which led to the theft of customer and credit card details.

The perpetrators infiltrated the hotel's internal systems with the intent to launch file-encrypting ransomware. The company asserts that while the hackers made some headway, the extensive security measures ensured limited damage. "Despite the attack, our business operations remained uncompromised," stated the hotel chain in its official notice.

Post-incident, the company promptly engaged with certified IT security professionals and informed the pertinent authorities to commence an investigation.

From their initial assessment, Motel One Group revealed that customer addresses were accessed, along with details of approximately "150 credit cards." They promptly reached out to those affected.

In a twist, the AlphV/Black Cat ransomware group claimed they were behind the attack and alleged to have extracted nearly 6TB of data from Motel One. This purportedly includes three years worth of booking information, customer contacts, credit card data, and internal documents. The group has issued a threat to leak this data unless a ransom is paid and negotiations are initiated.

Motel One Group, headquartered in Munich, Germany, boasts a presence in 13 countries with 90 hotel establishments.

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Posted: 2023-10-04
By: dwirch
Viewed: 249 times






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