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How to Disable the Shutdown Event Tracker
The Shutdown Event Tracker in Windows Server 2008 is a handy little utility that helps you to keep track of when and why a server was shut down or restarted.
Posted:2009-08-09 , 1916 views

Managing Shares at the Command Line
Manage your shares from the command prompt with built-in-to-Windows tools, and leave the GUI to the noobs.
Posted:2010-02-27, 13864 views

Change Default Landing Page for TS Web Access
Windows Server 2008 contains a plethora of new features associated with Terminal Server.
Posted:2010-07-14, 21120 views

Set Default Terminal Server for TS Web Access
Terminal Services Web Access (TS Web Access) is a role service in the Terminal Services role that enables users to connect from a Web browser to the remote desktop of any server or client computer where they have the appropriate access.
Posted:2010-07-14, 3129 views

Move Downloaded Windows Update Files to Save Space
Some servers arrive from the manufacturer with an OS already installed.
Posted:2010-10-13, 14545 views

Who doesn't love NETDOM?
This command-line tool enables administrators to manage Windows domains and trust relationships from the command line.
Posted:2011-07-03, 8077 views

Nice knowing you, VMWare
It's been a good run.
Posted:2011-07-15, 1846 views

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