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Posts by FortyPoundHead

1422 hits, 178 pages | Prev | Next

Adware and spyware, knowing the basics

People think that there is actually no difference between a spyware and an adware. Spyware is just a web term used to refer to an advertising supported software, which is otherwise known as adware. These are the pop-up ads that often come out whenever we open a website or download a shareware software. But according to some web experts, spyware is much much more.

Posted:2008-07-15, 1913 views, filed under: General, Security, Spyware

Adware Spyware Remover from Trend Micro Systems

Computers are like people. This is because the software inside is very sensitive and should something enter, the entire thing could crash or at worse, sensitive information can be stolen from it.

Posted:2008-07-15, 1769 views, filed under: General, Security, Spyware

Allow Booting to the Previous Operating System
If you installed an upgrade version of Windows 9x, you can normally press F4 to boot your previous version of Windows. This option can be disabled.
Posted:2007-07-17, 1931 views, filed under: Tip, Windows

Allow extended characters in 8.3 filenames

This setting allows extended characters to be used in 8.3 filenames. Short file names with extended characters may not be viewable on computers that do not have the same character code page.

Posted:2007-05-03, 2144 views, filed under: Tip, Software Hack/Tweak, Windows, Windows XP

Allow IE More Download Threads

Have you ever tried to download more than 2 files from the same website and noticed the third download doesn''t start until one of the prior two are done? The reason for this is that the HTTP 1.1 spec says that only two connections may be allowed at a time, so your browser adheres to that limit. We can boost that number for IE by using a registry hack, but let me warn you not to go crazy and increase it too far. If everybody increased the number of connections it would really put a hurting on the webservers out there, and then webmasters would have to start blocking extra threads.

Posted:2008-11-15, 1986 views, filed under: Internet Explorer, Software Hack/Tweak, Windows, Windows XP

An ISDN Issue
ISDN has been a much-maligned telecommunications service. Saddled with secondary meanings of "I Still Don't Need it", and "I Still Don't Know", ISDN may be regaining some respect.
Posted:2008-03-01, 2014 views, filed under: Tutorials, Networking

Anyone interested in CSS / XHTML / HTML?

I've been toying with an idea for some time, and I think the time has come to put the idea into motion.

Posted:2011-01-19, 1052 views, filed under: General, Webmaster Related

Append text to SMTP e-mails in Exchange Server 5.5
Within any organization, an Exchange administrator may wish to have a header or footer attached to all incoming or outgoing messages, such as a disclaimer or other legal notice. Doing this requires use of the Internet Mail Service Extension DLL, known as IMSEXT.DLL.
Posted:2007-05-02, 1975 views, filed under: Exchange

1422 hits, 178 pages | Prev | Next