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Posts by vb6boy

166 hits, 21 pages | Prev | Next

Speed Optimization Using Arrays

I was recently given a small programming challenge by a friend, which entailed splitting a text file into multiple text files, based on word length. I got run time down to 11 seconds. Can you do better?

Posted:2017-09-24, 636 views, filed under: Windows, Visual Basic 6

Start the screensaver from code in VB6

Nothing magical here. Just using the Windows API to start the screensaver on demand from code in Windows.

Posted:2017-05-20, 1374 views, filed under: Tutorials, Scripting, Windows, Visual Basic 6

String Functions Module

I've put together a few string handling functions in a module that I've found useful over of the years, and thought I would share them here so that others might find them useful.

Posted:2017-10-21, 883 views, filed under: Tip, Windows, Visual Basic 6

String Handling for File Operations

This is a module containing twenty useful functions for working with files, directories, drives, and volumes.

Posted:2019-04-06, 505 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Strip Non-Numeric Characters in ASP/VBScript

I have been asked for this little snippet of code by several users, so here it is. It does something that sounds really simple, but "classic" development languages from Microsoft don't seem to have a built in function for it.
Posted:2013-08-25, 9472 views, filed under: Tutorials, Visual Basic Script (VBS), Visual Basic 6

Student Admission System

Posted:2020-08-31, 414 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Tabs in Listbox

Posted:2020-08-30, 247 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

Test File Builder

This is just a short program for building test files. The files contain random characters, and are useful for testing things such as transfer speeds, compression ratios, attachment size limits in email, and other things that can use files of varying sizes.

Posted:2017-06-03, 365 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

166 hits, 21 pages | Prev | Next