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Posts by FortyPoundHead

1422 hits, 178 pages | Prev | Next

Accessorizing Computers

What Comes Out of the Box is a Really Just a Starter Kit.

Posted:2008-08-01, 1857 views, filed under: General, Tip

Activated NUM-LOCK

To automatically switch on the NUM-LOCK, change the value InitialKeyboardIndicators to 2 in the following key:

Posted:2007-08-24, 1973 views, filed under: Software Hack/Tweak, Windows XP

Active Destop Restrictions
Features of the Windows Active Desktop can be selectively controlled by modifying options in the Windows registry. Following the instructions in this tweak.
Posted:2007-05-03, 1870 views, filed under: Tip, Windows

Active Directory FSMO Roles

FSMO (Flexible Single Master Operations) roles, sometimes referred to as operations master roles, are a set of specific roles within an Active Directory environment. These roles are vital for the proper functioning and operation of an AD network, as they prevent conflicts and ensure consistency of the directory data. They are necessary because while Active Directory is a multi-master system (meaning more than one Domain Controller can write changes), there are specific functions that should not occur in multiple places at once.

Posted:2008-05-19, 2673 views, filed under: Tutorials, Active Directory, Windows, Windows Server

Active Window Tracking

Active window tracking is a feature in Windows that determines which window becomes active when you hover your mouse pointer over it. Essentially, when you move your mouse over an inactive window, that window automatically becomes the active one without requiring you to click on it explicitly.

Posted:2009-01-02, 4006 views, filed under: Tip, Windows, Windows Server

Add a Background Bitmap to the Internet Explorer ToolBar
Want to have you own bitmap shown on the Internet Explorer toolbar? It's simple with the Registry setting.
Posted:2007-07-17, 1870 views, filed under: Internet Explorer, Tip, Linux, Windows

Add a New Windows 2000 DNS Server in Existing AD
To create a new Windows 2000 DNS Server, you must install Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server on a server that is attached to your network. Because DNS is not installed by default during installation of Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server, you have to install DNS on the server. You can install the Windows 2000 DNS service either during the installation of Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server, or after the initial installation.
Posted:2007-03-26, 1911 views, filed under: Tutorials, Active Directory, Windows

Add a Web Site to the Internet Explorer Favorites List

This code allows you to add a favorite to the IE 4 or 5 list of favorites.

Posted:2007-05-08, 2370 views, filed under: Visual Basic 6

1422 hits, 178 pages | Prev | Next